About RuggedFeet
Welcome to Rugged Feet
I’m glad you are here. My name is Kirk and I’m a geeky outdoorsy guy who decided to create RuggedFeet.com as a side project to my full-time life as a dad and product manager.
Outdoorsy Guy Background
I grew up in Wisconsin and now live in the mountains of Utah. As a kid I spent lots of hours tromping around outside building forts, exploring, making campfires, fishing and generally looking for adventure.
Now here in Utah my adventures are tempered by having small kids and all the “adult-ing” I do. Mostly I get out for the occassional snowboard trip, do some rock-climbing and a lot of campfires with mini-hikes that are thrilling to the kids.
Geeky Background
While growing up in Wisconsin like a lot of people I had a love of video games. That love inspired me to want to write my own and therefore learn how to program.
I discovered a love of business as I became and adult and stopped playing games (mostly) and turned to online business, digital marketing, SEO, and lots of other acronyms. This project exists in part to help keep me engaged with marketing and SEO while my career path trends more to managing development and business strategy.
Affiliate Disclosure
Some of the links that leave Rugged Feet to go to another site might result in me getting a commission. At the moment I don’t expect it to add up to very much but it helps offset my hosting costs!